
Showing posts with the label underground

Underground Yellow Jacket Nest

Removing ground-nesting yellow jackets requires. Many people refer to yellow jackets. Yellow Jackets College Of Agriculture Forestry And Life Sciences Clemson University South Carolina By late summer a colony may contain thousands of individuals that will aggressively defend their nests from intruders. Underground yellow jacket nest . A queen who previously had her own nest abandoned it after the males died and hibernated through the winter. The Southern Yellowjacket Vespula squamosa has both aerial and terrestrial nests. Males cant sting and have extra long antennae. Once you locate the nest whether it is overhead or from ground nesting hornets put on protective clothing such as pants a long sleeve shirt long socks and a hat and prepare for a spray and run. The simple act of mowing the lawn or watering flowers can instigate fierce and painful response from a nest of yellow jackets. Underground the nest is made up of several tiers of combs all enclosed by a papery covering