Reasons For Deforestation
A major cause of deforestation is agriculture plantations. The causes of deforestation. Sustainable Management Of Peatland Forests In Southeast Asia Asean Peatland Forests Project Apfp Seapeat Human activities as agricultural expansion cattle breeding timber extraction mining oil extraction dam construction and infrastructure development. Reasons for deforestation . Direct causes of deforestation are agricultural expansion wood extraction eg logging or wood harvest for domestic fuel or charcoal and infrastructure expansion such as road building and urbanization. Natural causes as hurricanes fires parasites and floods. Other Causes of Deforestation A variety of industries cause deforestation either directly or indirectly but the main driver is animal agriculture. To get a clear overview we could include the need for money both in terms of profitability as well as providing for ones family in most scenarios along with lack of or no forest laws need for land space for housing...