White Tiger Extinct
That is one more reason why tiger including white tigers are approaching extinction fast. The last known specimen in the wild was shot dead in 1958 leaving behind only the captive breeding population. White Tiger Wikipedia The white Tiger was last seen in the wild in 1910 when the 12th was spotted this made 12 white Tigers per 10000 Bengal Tigers. White tiger extinct . Breeders have been doing excuses that the White tigers before were going extinct and the only way to save them is to inbreed but they only did that for the money. In the black market the fur of a rare white tiger can fetch the poacher millions. According to Bass a white tiger hasnt been seen in the wild since the 1950s when a light cub was found with a family of normal orange tigers. Before the white Tiger Extinct in the wild they and the orange tigers lived in the same habitat. The person who found him was intrigued by the natural color variation so he stole the cub away from his mother and siblings. This n...