Things To Dip In Hummus
Sweet and salty make some of the best flavor combinations - popcorn salted caramel the list goes on. Bread is a classic pairing for hummus. 27 Best Foods To Dip In Hummus Glue Sticks And Gumdrops Hummus comes in a variety of flavors and its an excellent addition to a grain bowl meal. Things to dip in hummus . Hummus is also a great addition. Combine rice or quinoa with blanched leafy greens olives walnuts avocado. Heres one way to make a chickpea dip with leftover hummus. The combination of cauliflower and hummus is heavenly. Fried asparagus tastes amazing when dipped in hummus. To offset the salty garlicky flavor of the hummus choose breads of a mild flavor. Ive been dipping cucumber homemade flax crackers or celery in it which has gotten boring. I found some hummus that is only 2g of carbs per 2T serving which makes it a great quick snack. This is a great way to eat vegetables. It might be a bit surprising but one of the best things to dip in hummus is ...