Are Bees Going Extinct
Beekeeping is a business after all. Ad Search Beehive Removal. Rock Level Is Putting Backpacks On Bees To Prevent Them From Going Extinct Elite Business Peter Soroye a bee researcher from the University of Ottawa gives us some advice. Are bees going extinct . Honey bees are significant pollinators and their loss will gravely impact the growth of numerous plant species. But with all of this going on you need to ask yourself why. Why Are Bees Going Extinct. According to statistics the United States lost 44 percent of their bee colonies within one year 2015-2016. It is the beekeepers who are in danger facing. Pollinators are dying out and the result will be much of our food will disappear. Get Results from 6 Engines at Once. Bumblebees are going extinct because of the climate crisis but there are easy ways to help. Honey bees are not about to go extinct Kim Kaplan a researcher with the USDA said in an email. Pesticides Since the end of World War 2 the use of...