Facts About Animal Shelters
Many animal shelters will take just about every type of domesticated animal including birds rabbits and even horses but by far the main residents are cats and dogs. The number of animals entering shelters has decreased in recent decades. Animal Shelters The animals located inside the animal rescue charities because of some reasons. Facts about animal shelters . Animal rescue groups offer an alternative way for people to adopt a homeless animal if they dont want to go to an animal. Because of the high numbers of unspayed cats and dogs in the US there is a growing population of unwanted or accidental puppies and kittens throughout the country that are homeless or surrendered by their owners. Facts about Animal Rescue Charities 3. While three to four million of these animals are adopted approximately 27 million healthy adoptable dogs and cats are euthanized. All shelters are not the same and do not offer all kinds of facilities to take care of these animals completely. You ha...